A great journey in progress!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


While talking to my absolutely talented writing sister, Joy about my incident with the Sheriffs officer, she told me I needed to write my story out or she will do it. Joy is my soul sister friend, though we are not related by blood, we’ve always been able to connect. My blood sister Vickie and I are connected too and they’ve both been encouraging me to write out my story. I haven’t been feeling any inspiration to do it for a long time, I’ve had visions and a miraculous divine that I should, but I have not mastered the editing, punctuation, grammar, and all those things that great writers have in their repertoire. Joy is a master editor, and has that talent for it. I don’t. I do not like editing in the bit, rereading wondering if something is perfect, but yet that is apart of writing, isn’t it?
This thought came to my brain while sleeping last night, I can use this down time that I have to start writing it. Maybe the great universe is telling me it is time and so that is why this is happening. Maybe the start of my story can be what happened yesterday morning.

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