A great journey in progress!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Appreciating My Planet.

While sitting and healing, started watching "The Planet Earth" series that everyone raved about a couple of years ago. Finally, am watching and must say that I'm absolutely in love with the my planet and the way they have filmed it. Have to admit I've only seen disc one of the series and am so excited to get the other four discs from Netflix.

1 comment:

Joy Renee said...

Pretty awesome alright sis. And a bit sad coming as we watch the devastation of the Gulf of Mexico by the BP oil spill. Now this magnificent documentary may become the only way the next generation can catch a glimpse of the way it was.

Pardon my negativity but I come to this video direct from viewing news videos of the dead dolphins and seas turtles and black tar covered pelicans and ducks. It's heartbreaking.