A great journey in progress!

Monday, June 07, 2010

The Most Powerful Computer

The Brain... Amazing how powerful that walnut looking body part is. Every part of our body is controlled by some cortex of the brain and then we don't think about the care or maintenance required to sustain our lives. You are considered dead when you're brain is not functioning, even when your heart is beating, you are still gone. You are off line, not connected to your body anymore. The reason I've started on a rambling musing about the brain centers on the fact Saturday I went to a seminar with my sister Carri and several women discussing abuse, trauma, and development of the brain. And guess what happened, my fascination and curiosity followed. The speaker Partricia Warford captured my intellectual mind with her entire speech. I never realized how we developed in the womb, and how soon we actually start connecting outside the womb. Ten days after conception we start noticing, hearing, and feeling our mother. We can hear her, even thru all the gunk, we hear her. Then at three months your hearing is even stronger and you start recognizing outside, such as your father or siblings and we are drawn to that relationship. That's amazing to me. That helps our brain acquire language skills. Language I learned, is centered in the part of the brain that our emotions are in. So emotions and language are so connected. Warford got me to analyzing myself in so many ways and how to nurture your brain for healing and especially from the trauma sustained thru life. No wonder so many problematic fractures such as PTSD, RADS, and others have happened. Food for thought, food for considering the importance of nurture becomes to individuals. I took so many notes, but want to do some more research before sharing them all. So more posts will eventually be written.

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