This the big house project still going on. Dave, Jessica's uncle had to replace the entire plumbing, so he spent most of his time under the house. Now, Rick and Jess need a new kitchen sink, the previous owner did not put it in correctly. We have no kitchen sink, but at least the bathrooms back.
My friend Amber got a pendulum, and I got myself some crystals. I bought a white quarts, pink quartz, and tourlamine. At the Moonshadow store, I saw some cool Tarots while there, Amber got a cool Celtic one. I also bought some Sarsaprilla, whole herb. Sarsaprilla is the root that root beer is made from. I love the sweet smell of it and it makes delicious tea.
I have talked about my friendship with Monte many times on this blog. Well, once again he is doing his normal spill of being offish, its frustrating, but something inside of me is changing. Maybe its the fact that I am growing, though I am camping out in Rick and Jess' living room, I am content. I am still wanting my own spot, but that will happen soon enough. I love having animals back in my life, plus I am swimming for my physical theraphy, and I have made another doctors appointment about my lungs. Seeds have been planted, causing major growth in my life, can you tell?
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