A great journey in progress!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Rose, A Thief

It's been one of those does just like those lyrics in the Limp Bizkit song, you wanna break something tonight. This morning, I woke up feeling so good, ready to go to work, ready to come home and plant my rose bush and glads. I went to my car and someone decided to rip my car stereo out of my car last night. I am getting tired of this. I have no idea what the universe is trying to tell me, other than there is absolute jerks out there, willing to take whatever they want from someone else, to make their lives so much easier. You can say I was angry, deeply so. I have never felt this kind of emotion, not to this extreme that I felt it today. I went to work, trying to be my normal positive self, but I couldn't cut the mustard. Every time I look at that hole, I just want to punch someone. I hate feeling that way. When I got home, I got a surprise in my mail box, a relaxing CD with lavender essential oil. I needed to relax, contemplate, decide what to do now, and so I listened to the new CD. It is beautiful, nature sounds, and I smelled the lavender oil. I love the smell of lavender. I picked myself up, went outside to my balcony and planted my peace rose and my glads that I got recently. I saw the purple crocus and the yellow crocus that I planted in the fall blooming. That cheered me up. Then I came back in, and a friend of mine was on-line and we chatted. He can make me laugh and feel good. Consequently my anger became null and void. I even went back out tonight to get things from the trunk of my car and I saw that gapping hole and I was at peace. Life sure can throw you curve balls...

Me planting glads

Purple Crocus

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