A great journey in progress!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Inner Wisdom Of Jamie

A lot of different things have been happening in the last few months. I have stopped writing on my blog and I’ve stopped virtually being myself. I am not liking this part of me. The definition of insanity is doing something over and over expecting a different result. Starting today, this month, I am withdrawing and concentrating on my inner and physical health, which is in jeopardy. I have always said that I wanted to do this, truthfully, I have never done it. I need to listen to my inner core voice and be the wonderful woman that I know I am. I have gone through many changes in the past three years and I know that I need to do some more changing. To my friends and family, if I am not contacting you or calling you as much as I normally do, don’t take offense to it. I love you, I am just taking a sabbatical and listening to Jamie and the secrets of her heart and taking care of me.
On a chipper note, I got a new job. I am starting it tonight. I am excited and nervous and after work tonight me and my two Ambers are getting together and having a semi girls night out. I am looking forward to it. A lot of people that I haven’t talked to in a long time are coming out of the woodwork. The one friend, who I have based my life on, in part, is doing what he normally does, disappearing and being himself, and I’m not taking it personally, I am taking it as an opportunity for me to grow as a woman, friend, and family member in my life. He is still loved and cared about. I am listening to the inner wisdom of Jamie, thinking mindfully and doing what I feel is best. He needs time, so do I. I wish him happiness and normally, I would think we weren’t friends anymore, but not this time. We are, and he is valued and loved by me and I am hoping that it is the same on his side and I am trusting that our friendship bond is strong and capable of dealing with this same issue again and that the insanity of me thinking negative thoughts will stop, I’m trying a different approach than I normally do. Normally, I would hunt him down and make him talk to me, but that has always caused problems. Frankly, I am tired of discussing our issues and I don’t want to think about it any longer and neither does he. He knows I am here for him anytime and in some part I think he is there for me too. I am sending Monte blessings and contentment in his life at this moment, as, I am sending to everyone that I know in my entire life. I think I am finally growing up…

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