A great journey in progress!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Life Chain

I went up on Dr. Phils website tonight, while I was chatting on MSN with my big sister, Joy. You might know her website http://joystory.blogspot.com/
She got on me about my negative voice that is in my head, thanks sis.
Dr. Phil's section on his website called advice, where you can get a bunch of exercise's on different aspects of your life. They sure do make you think, I'm going to try and do as many of them as I possibly can. I'm ready for change and he may be an abrasive personality, but what he says does make sense. Here are some my answers that I worked out for my first exercise. I've got a lot of things to conquer, and I'm up for the challenge now. Better late than never....

1. Where were you born? Longview Washington USA

2. Where do you live now? I live in Vancouver

3. What do/did your mother and father do for a living? My mom was a caregiver, until she got sick and passed away, I never knew my real father. Then I lived with Vickie who struggled to keep everyone’s head above water and then the Coons. Different aspects that have changed in a lot of areas, all had positive and all had negative affects on how I think and conduct myself.

4. What were your parents' beliefs about family? Religion? Politics? Their place in the world? My mom hated men, thought they were scum, she said you can’t trust anyone, not even yourself. Vickie was the same way to some degree. The Coons, women were not to have a mind of their own or express themselves. They were suppose to be the caretakers of the family. Their opinion did not matter.

5. What are your beliefs about family? Religion? Politics? Your place in the world?
My beliefs about family, religion, and politics are letting each person be who and what they want to be without judgment. I honestly cannot say what my place in this world is, I’m still struggling with that one.

6. What is your life chain?

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