A great journey in progress!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


As I wrote in my previous post, I have opted to receive the laparoscopic lap band system to aid me in losing weight. I researched all the options, when everything else fails, you sometimes have to go within and receive help in treating your problem. The lap band is an adjustable procedure. It is a laparoscopic procedure with no more than a 24 hour hospital stay. It has a low mortality rate, it is least invasive approach compared to the gastric bypass, there is a low risk of operative complications, and there is no cutting, stapling, or intestinal re-routing involved at all. All things that helped me sway towards this procedure in the first place.
I am at the beginning stages of the process, I made this decision, mailed in my application for approval and now I have to wait impatiently for approval for the surgery. I’m nervous and scared that I will not be accepted, but at the same time, I am hopeful too. I know all the requirements, that this is a lifetime of changes that I must met and change. Eating for emotional comfort or just because I am bored has to stop. I have to get more exercise and make that a priority. I also have to go to all my doctor appointments, and take care of my body. I do not want to be unable to function and require more help in the future. Things have to change and I have to put all of my gumption into this life altering decision that I have made. It is going to be a challenge, I’m going to have to step outside of my normal comfort zone and seek the help that I need, I can’t be a bystander and think I can do it myself. I can’t be ashamed anymore of how I am or what is going on in my life. This is going to be a huge undertaking and I sometimes feel that I do not have the strength to meet all the challenges that are impending, but I also know that I cannot go on living the way that I am either. This is what has been going on for the last few months, among other life changing events, but this is the one that has been the most on my mind.

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