A great journey in progress!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Wall Hitting Not For Me

Have you ever punched a wall?

What is something you wanna say to the person who posted this before you?
You are a good momma

Do you have a landscaped yard?
My apartment does, though lately, it has gone down hill.

Do you meditate?
Yes, I try to.

Do you always have to be right?
Nope, I am wrong often.

Are you ticklish?

When was the last time you drank alochol?
Last night, Monte gave me an apple beer, it was good. I only had one.

Who did you hangout with yesterday?
I saw Monte for a couple of hours.

Have you danced by the light of the moon?

Do you think of 50 as old?
Nope, considering that my brother and two sisters are close to 50 and they don't seem old to me. And 50 isn't that far ahead for me.

Do you like almonds or cashews the best?

What does your last text message say?
You are awesome, Mcwalker do.

Have you gone on many blind dates?

Do you tend to go with the flow, or wade upstream all by yourself?
both, depending on the situation.

When a stranger drops something, do you attempt to pick it up?
I try to

Has someone done something extra nice for you today?
Yep, my sister talking to me about my upcoming move, and some plans that I need to make for my future.

Are you a private person?
Oh yes, I get accused of hiding my true emotions and thoughts often.

Name one thing you would never eat.
slugs, ants, hominy.

Did you have a crush on any of your teachers?
Ys, I did, mr bloom the science teacher.

Do you have any friends you're embarassed to be seen with?
no, but I have a couple who have been of me, because of the way I dressed at that time.

Do you get excited easily?

Do you think Winnie the Pooh is a stupid name?

Do you allow animals on your furniture?

What do you need right now?
chocolate, an oprah magazine, hot bath, a hug, and cheaper rent.

Would you rather have mint or fruit flavored gum?

Do you use petroleum jelly?

Do you have road rage?

Who is more passive, your mother or father?
none of them, they both have their moments, depending ont he subject.

Do you think PDA's are acceptable?
not really

Do you ever feel brain dead?

Have you ever eaten grass?
not on purpose

When you hear the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" what do you think of?
The old movie from the 50's and 60's where that song came from.

Do you ever eat food right out of cans and jars instead of using plates or bowls?

Are you desperate for attention?

I can be.

Do you like someone right now?
I lke lots of people

What are your plans for tonight?
computer time, hot bath, music, booking reading, list making, and check out my other blog.

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