A great journey in progress!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Truth Will Set Me Free

What do you do when someone that doesn’t know you slanders you, saying malicious lies about your family and you, just for a few dollars. That is what I am going through right now, my mind is reeling, I can’t sleep tonight. I have an appointment with my lawyer, still the anxious feelings stay. I am angry, I am resentful, mostly, I am feeling extremely overwhelmed by these people who are his family, but weren’t apart of his life, at least his later years. I loved, took care, supported, waited hand and foot for this man for 10 years of my life. He and I had some great times and sometimes I do miss him. The last three years have been obstacles of learning new things and discovering things about myself. I have never been so slandered, ripped apart by anyone in my entire life, especially, by people who do not know me. One in particular person I never met in my life, but claims we have. Greed brings out monsters in people, I am learning that. I haven’t changed, I was willing to share, still am. Receiving those papers, with those words of lies and statements that were so ludicrous that it made me laugh hard, like I was 17 in 1996 and some other idiotic things, but it is that paper with those written words that has brought me to this frame of mind. I am worth fighting for. I am not going to lay down and let someone lie, beat me up verbally, and insult the people that I love and call them liars. I am not going to at the same time reduce myself to the verbal abuse that they are slapping me in the face with. I will be honest, direct, to the point, and blunt as hell towards these two individuals. The truth hurts worse than lies. And I guarantee that this time, no amount, of verbal abuse these women lay on me is going to make me crawl at their feet and retreat, like I did before, when the one accosted me at the funeral home. I’m not grieving, upset, and in any mood to put up with her bullshit. I’m done. I’m not going to let her destroy me, or the person that you claim to love, just so you can have some money. That is not right. I feel sorry for, and deep in my heart, I hope that the two of them find happiness and love in their lives. They are not happy, and it is evident, because of the things they are saying and doing. The truth will set me free.

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