A great journey in progress!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Joys Of Children

I am busy babysitting my friend Ambers' two wonderful children, Cullen and Duncan. They are easy going and well behaved rugrats. We played football on the play station. I don't do video games, but Duncan wanted me to, so I gave in. I have to say, I can see the fascination. Cullen, who is autistic, behaved well. I was nervous, but he knows me. I got to cuddle on the couch, cook dinner for two wonderful boys, read two chapters in "The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, and basically be a kid. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, watch the Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix. I want to get married and be a mom someday!
I know, I know, I thought I'd never say this, but watching Duncan and Cullen gave me my internal mothering instincts and also, yes, me a true committed relationship with a man. Gasp!!! You can close your jaw now. I'm not running out my door, yelling I need a man in the streets, nope, I have much growing and changing before I am ready for my Mr. Somebody just right for me and I become just right for that person. Today, just brought a little perspective of what it is I truly want in my life. Amber is probably on her way home from work and so is her lovely companion in life Russ, so I should post this and get going.

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