A great journey in progress!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Reclaiming My Eve

I found I Goddess yesterday and so I went exploring, because after the video there was a bunch of you tube things to watch, so I went a watching. I saw Zsuzsanna Budapest, I liked how she talked, I liked what she has to say. I've been afraid of Wiccan, Goddess movements, I've read on them and I liked what I read and their teachings, but being brought up Christian. It frightened me. One thing that resonated in my heart and soul was her comments about EVe. That is where she gained some respect from me. I've always felt that in religions I was brought up in, Southern Baptist and the non denominational religions always protrayed women as evil, malicious, unworthy, distrsutful. I like what Budapest said in video three and four about Eve, the Genesis story, she called it a lying story. I have always thought this of many of the stories in the bible. The only parts that I didn't feel that way about was the Gospels, because Jesus portrayed women as healers, providers, and worthy of love and respect by men. Budapest has a ceremony that concerns Eve, and I liked it. I watched it mesmerized by the ritual and thinking hell yeah, it is about time that we realize that we are not evil, not worthy of love and we are not at fault for the sins of the world. That we are creators of life and we are capable of much more than we were ever told we were. Some people might think she is bashing men, but I don't feel that way about what she has to say. What she is saying to me is we need to value ourselves and take care of ourselves for our children and for our partners in life. We need to respect ourselves and everyone else in our lives.
The last one number 6 is the self blessing, I like it and I am going to incorperate it into my normal routine on Fridays. I ask you to watch all 6 of them, you will be enlightened by them.

1 comment:

Joy Renee said...

thanx for posting these