A great journey in progress!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Good News

I am so excited. I am now under 300 pounds. I have lost 15 pounds since November 14th. I am so happy. I went to the hospital last night, I had extremely high blood pressure, 218/112, that is stroke level. I was not feeling good all day, I also have a bladder infection, one that has been happening for a long time now. All these things could be playing havoc on my emotional well being. I am hoping the new medications will do their job, and I’ll be able to be my normal self. The past few months, I have been having crying fits, this is new to me. I have never in my life felt this way about anything in my life. Things have been accumulating and it is frustrating me and everyone who is around me. I am lucky that I have not lost any of my relationships over it, though I have come close. My greatest fear is being like my real mom, she was a hermit. She kept everything to herself, she was not happy. I don’t want that, I have to do something now to change that. I’m still on the quest of knowing what. All I know is that I cannot go to any of my support people in my life for help any longer. This is something I am going to have to figure out for myself.

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