A great journey in progress!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Life Makeovers

With all of the life altering transitions that I have been experiencing for the last two years of my life, since February 18th, 2004, I have decided to go on a new beginning, a different start. This decision, after many, many months of staling, fighting, and begrudging myself and others in my life, this new insight came to me. I have gone on many different starts, I have always gone back to the prison that I have made of my own negative thoughts, being afraid of the unknown, being crippled by the past, and extending energy to everyone else’s care. I am a natural born caretaker, I take on everything for everyone, I’m always there, no matter what. In fact, when my sister Carri came to visit me unrepentantly yesterday and I didn’t answer the phone, like everyone expects from me, she was concerned. I made a conscious decision to unplug my phone and not be a phone whore anymore, to spend time alone, in my own thoughts, thinking about myself, what I have to do to make my own life better and not sitting there frustrated by the lack of what I am perceiving is nothing. With that said, I decided to go on a different new path, something that I have never done before. I am working several thoughts, making them each my own, on a quest of discovery of me.
So I made a list of 25 accomplishments, recommended by Cheryl Richardson, who wrote “Life Makeovers.”

1) Walking the Clackamas mall with Amber and her clan without losing my breath and keeping up and not lagging behind.
2) Learning boundaries for myself and with my other relationships.
3) Eating healthier and not using food as a comfort.
4) Losing 25 pounds
5) Growing Italian Parsley, and my other plants.
6) Learning to listen to my intuition and voice inside, instead of ignoring them.
7) Recognizing what my strengths are
8) Coming out of the darkness and into the REAL world, and discovering that I have the key to my doors.
9) Knowing my own style
10) Being a good friend to Amber, Monte, Christina, and listening and being there for them.
11) Taking care of my health.
12) Learning to open up about my problems with my family and friends.
13) Realizing my own place in the web of life. That I’m the only person with the power to control my life.
14) Developing my writing skills with my blogs.
15) Finding out and realizing what I truly believe in.
16. Learning to make goals and plans for my life.
17. Learning to read bills and understanding what they are actually saying.
18) Being brave and gaining courage to telling people what I think.
19) Expanding my tastes in music
20) Developing my skills in many areas of my life
21) Filled out an application for a job at the library.
22) Starting a new journey in myself.
23) Getting a library card, something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but procrastinated.

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