A great journey in progress!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Butterflies and Tigers, Oh My

I am reading about animal totems and finding your own. In this book “The complete book of women’s wisdom” by Cassandra Eason, the way to do it is in your dreams. An animal that you dream about. I have two that I dream about, Tigers and Butterflies.
Eason writes on Butterflies “The butterfly is often associated with the sixteenth-century mystic St Teresa of Avila, who likened the process of dying to a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. Because of its transience, the butterfly is also a symbol of living in the present, a reminder to enjoy each day for what it is without always worrying about a past that cannot be changed or a future as yet unmade.”
Then she says about tigers “Representing strongly animus power, the tiger is the totem of a number of women I have interviewed who function in highly competitive or chauvinistic work places. The tiger is the king of beasts in mythology.” What a combination.
I took a nice, long, hot bath and meditated for awhile. I have not meditated in a long time. I needed to release some negative energy that is around me. I must do this daily for my own sanity, I realized. I am stronger than I give myself credit for. I did something last night that I read in the Eason book. Except that I adapted it to my own liking. Instead of drawing pictures of a monster with all my negative energy and then drawing things to counteract them, I cut out pictures. I cannot draw at all. Instead, I just did the positive, I just cut out positive words that reflected me. It was fun, I had not done that since I was a little kid. It is fun getting back to my roots. Several authors have suggested making collages as a way to meditate and find your core person, to discover you inner compass. It is about time I learned what my voice is telling me, follow my instincts, and my creativity. I have to value my own opinions and listen to the inner voice that is speaking. I can hear her calling me………

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