A great journey in progress!

Friday, June 16, 2006

My Political View

I have chosen to stay out of the political arena, mainly because it is a farce and it is powered by men who do not know the value of human life. They profess to care about the public, but from what I have seen, they do not. All they care about is what is best for themselves, not for the masses. It is ironic that they want to make sure all the countries do not have nuclear weapons, but who, we ourselves have them. If we cared about such things, why don’t we make the first stand and get rid of ours? We are not a peace loving nation, we are a war ravage nation, that loves drama, and wants to have absolute control of everything around us. I am sure there are some politicians who are sincerely trying to fight against the bull that is running our government. It is not Bush who is running our government, it is the people who are backing him up. I have not read enough to know who these people are, or what their motive is, but I know they are there. Bush has displayed his utter stupidity in his speeches, interviews, and the way he stands there like a little boy with his hands in his pocket, not knowing what is really going on. I bet he is a good man, he loves his wife Laura and their children. I see that, I do have respect for him, though I do not share the same opinions or views.
I am also deeply perplexed by these people who think global warming is not happening. My brother Rob is in agreement with this idea, he says it is a farce and it is not happening. I felt like saying to him and to the mass others who share this view, are you blind? I have noticed some things that are happening in my area and around me. The weather change, the way the rivers are getting higher, and countless other things that are happening. A few weekends ago, Amber and I went to Willow Grove beach to have a bon fire with some friends. We noticed that the pier has gotten higher and are covering a lot of things on the Columbia River. The water level is much higher than it had been, a few months ago when I went with my sister Carri. You cannot tell me that pollution is not real, global warming is not happening, and that it is a big lie. It reminds me of when people that the world was flat and the few who said it was round were laughed at. It is the same thing, but in a different arena. I want to see Al Gore’s movie about global warming. I saw him interviewed on Jay Leno a few nights ago, I rarely watch Jay Leno, I do not like him, but hearing Al Gore talking about something that interest me, stopped me in my tracks.

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